
At HelloQuery, the security of your data is our top priority. Here’s how we ensure that your data remains safe:

SQL Sanitization:

We heavily sanitize all SQL queries to prevent any harmful actions. Only single SELECT statements are allowed, which means you cannot delete, modify, or perform any other destructive actions on your database through our platform.

AI Never Sees Your Data:

The AI that assists in query generation only accesses your database's metadata, such as table and column names. It never interacts with or sees your actual data, ensuring that your sensitive information remains private and secure.

Data Handling:

While your data does pass through our servers to run and display the SQL queries you write, we do not store your data. This transient data handling minimizes the risk of data exposure.

We Don’t Store Your Passwords in Plain Text:

We use strong encryption methods to store your passwords securely. Passwords are never stored in plain text, ensuring that even in the unlikely event of a data breach, your credentials remain protected.

State-of-the-Art Security Practices:

We leverage the latest security features and best practices to protect your data. Our systems are designed to ensure that your information is encrypted and handled with the highest level of security at all times.

Your trust is important to us, and we are committed to continually enhancing our security measures to protect your data.