Connect Heroku HelloQuery

Connecting your Heroku Postgres database to HelloQuery is quick and easy!

Table of Contents

Create Read Only Credentials

The first step is to create a read only credential on your Heroku application.

  1. Log onto Heroku and click on "Postgres" under your Installed add-ons addons
  2. From the Postgres page, click "Credentials": credentials
  3. Once you are on the Credentials page, click "Create Credential" and give your Credential a name. create
  4. Click "Create". It will take a few minutes for your credential to be created.
  5. After your credential is created, you need to give it permissions and attach it to an application. access
  6. After the credential is attached to an application, give it "Read-only" Permissions readonlypermissions
  7. Click "Save"

Oauth to Heroku

Sign into HelloQuery. On the main screen, click "Heroku".
Follow the prompts to connect your Heroku account.

Select your application

Select the application you created the credential for:
Select the credential you created

You're instantly connected

Your Heroku database is securely connected, and you're ready to use HelloQuery. Dive into data analysis and management with confidence, knowing our support team is here if you need us. Thank you for choosing HelloQuery. Let the report building begin!